Break the Rule Stay Comfortable using productivity challenge # 3.
Put It Back
This challenge is to put something back that you keep noticing is not in its proper home.
After you've done that, attempt for the rest of the day to put things back where they belong right away after you've used them.
This may seem too basic to mention, but getting in the habit of making small efforts in the moment instead of putting them off for later is an important part of breaking the rule Stay Comfortable.
Putting things back where they belong requires getting out of our comfort zone, voluntarily involving ourselves in an activity for which the pay-off is subtle and often feels like it's not worth the effort.
Put something back that you keep noticing is not in its proper home.
As a habit, however, putting things back where they belong is an expression of order, precision, presence, and respect.
Look around today for things that are out of place, but have become invisible to you just because they've been there for so long.
It could even be your own mood, attitude, behavior, or way of speaking that is out of place.
Pay attention today to what doesn't fit where it's showing up and make the effort to restore it to a place, time, or circumstance that is a fitting and appropriate home.
Make Break a Rule an incredible tool for everyone.
Leave a comment about how you used this challenge, what you experienced, discovered, or learned.
Or let us know if you have a suggestion for how this challenge could be improved.