Break the rule Avoid Mistakes with Innovation Challenge # 1
4 X Your Questions.
Curiosity and the desire to know and understand our surroundings, others, and how things work are an essential feature of excellence.
Most of us have been trained out of doing this in childhood by adults who got tired of answering all of our inquiries.
If we want to grow, questions are necessary and appropriate.
Try asking a lot more questions today, going beyond the point where you would ordinarily quit asking because you think the other person is going to tell you to stop.
This is the practice of "Taking Chances" rather than being run by the rule Avoid Mistakes.
Watch your resistance to asking that many questions. Can you push through the resistance and have fun doing this?
When you notice yourself asking a question, don't stop with just one. Think of 3 more questions you can ask before you disengage.
Questions related to how things work can practical and useful.
In relationship to others, questions that provoke another person to consider more deeply their own priorities, strengths, passions, and vision can support them on their journey toward excellence.
Experiment with asking more - and better - questions today.
Make Break a Rule an incredible tool for everyone.
Leave a comment about how you used this challenge, what you experienced, discovered, or learned.
Or let us know if you have a suggestion for how this challenge could be improved.